Character Sculpt Package #43 - Zero Two

Character Sculpt Package #43 – Zero Two

Time for the August Package, Zero Two!

*** Read below for more info on the package and when you get it!

Level 1:  Hi Rez Renders, My Full Gratitude!
Level 2:  Hi Rez Renders, Blender Files + OBJ, My Full Gratitude!
Level 3:  Hi Rez Renders, Blender Files + OBJ, Full Video Recording, My Full Gratitude!

** With this post, the pledges for August will be triggered, of which you will be charged at the beginning of September for it (generally one of the first 3 days of the beginning of the month). I will send all of you the character package after the pledges go through!

P.S. If you pledge after this character package post, you will have to wait for the next character package. No worries as you will not get charged for this one or earlier posts ;).  If you have any questions feel free to send me a message.

Have a wonderful day, and thank you for your continuous support!

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Author: Clarkson

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