Enscape 3.3.1 Asset Library

Enscape 3.3.1 Asset Library

The Asset Library is available for all CADs that Enscape is provided for.

There are in essence two variations of the Asset Library. One is accessed via the CAD toolbar and can be opened when Enscape is not running when using an Enscape Fixed Seat License. Although, a free seat must be available if you are using an Enscape Floating License. The other variation can be accessed via the Enscape Viewport User Interface (UI) toolbar, and therefore only when the Enscape Viewport is running.

Whichever variation you opt to use, the assets selected can only be placed via the respective UI. That means, the Asset Library opened from the CAD toolbar will only allow placement of assets within the CAD UI and the Asset Library opened via the Enscape Viewport UI will only allow placement of assets in the Enscape Viewport.

Both variations also contain the Custom Asset Library.

To understand how to place assets either via the respective CAD or via the Enscape Viewport, please refer to this article.

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Author: Clarie

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