Unreal Engine - Character Interaction v4.25,5.0

Unreal Engine – Character Interaction v4.25,5.0

Bullet Hole Decals Pack includes:

Asphalt – 5 (Normal Decal)

Blasted – 5 POM Materials with Meshes (mesh decal)

Bricks – 10 (Normal Decal)

Burnt – 5 (Texture + Normal Decal)

Ceramics – 10 (Texture + Normal Decal)

Concrete – 10 (Normal Decal)

Cracks – 10 (Normal Decal)

Dirt – 5 (Normal Decal)

Fabric – 5 (Texture + Normal Decal)

Flesh – 5 (Texture + Normal Decal)

Generic – 5 (Normal Decal)

Glass Bulletproof – 5 Bump Materials with Mesh (mesh decal)

Glass Common – 5 Bump Materials (mesh decal)

Glass Windshield – 5 Bump Materials (mesh decal)

Ground – 5 (Texture + Normal Map Decal)

Hits – 10 (5 Axe, 5 Knife) (Normal Decal)

Metal Armored – 5 (Texture + Normal Decal)

Metal Solid – 5 (Texture + Normal Decal)

Metal Thin – 10 (Texture + Normal Decal)

Plastic – 5 (Texture + Normal Decal)

Reinforced – 5 (Texture + Normal Decal)

Rock – 5 (Normal Decal)

Rubber – 5 (Texture + Normal Decal)

Sand – 5 (Normal Decal)

Scratches – 5 (Normal Decal)

Sheetrock – 5 (Texture + Normal Decal)

Wood – 10 (Texture + Normal Decal)

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Technical Details

Technical Details:

  • Background textures are not included. They are used in the screenshots to show how the decals apply on different Materials.


  • Parallax Occlusion Mapping mesh decals, Bump mesh decals, Deferred decals
  • 174 Materials (4 Master, 170 Instances)
  • Customization options (Each Material Instance has several Customizable parameters)

Number of Materials: 4

Number of Material Instance: 170

Number of Textures: 382

Static Meshes: 6 (5 for each Blusted Mesh decals, and 1 common for Glass Mesh decals)

Texture Resolutions: 2048 x 2048

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